The website has been quiet, but our Guild Fridays sessions have been anything but! We’ve been very busy this year putting together another excellent presentation weekend, and we’re excited to share it with you!
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A Guild Friday like No Other
Last week we gathered for our first Guild Friday with all the new cast members for the 2021/22 season. What a fun, fulfilling afternoon! It was so wonderful to see returning faces excited to see each other and welcoming new ones into the group. The icing on the cake was definitely seeing all our actors in their Halloween costumes!
After snack (when kids were equally excited to catch up and get to know each other), we enjoyed three stories about the cosmos from our Storyteller In Residence (Melanie), with a guest Graphic Storyteller, Anika Bauman. Click to watch a time-lapse of Anika’s work.
The actors then had the opportunity to reflect on the stories through collage.
Have a look at some of the images from the afternoon!

Wait list info for 2021/22 Season
Covid-19 Update
Call for TAD Volunteers!
Are you passionate about theatre and art and enjoy hanging out with teens???
TAD (Teen Arts Drop-In) is now recruiting volunteers for our Fall and Spring program! Please message here or email Jeqn!
Announcing T.A.D.!
Thanks Sarah Kesler for the awesome video!
Welcome to Eastside Story Guild.
Have a look around, find out what we’re about, who we are, what we’re up to this year, and how you can support us.
Thanks for visiting!
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