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A Guild Friday like No Other

Last week we gathered for our first Guild Friday with all the new cast members for the 2021/22 season. What a fun, fulfilling afternoon! It was so wonderful to see returning faces excited to see each other and welcoming new ones into the group. The icing on the cake was definitely seeing all our actors in their Halloween costumes!

After snack (when kids were equally excited to catch up and get to know each other), we enjoyed three stories about the cosmos from our Storyteller In Residence (Melanie), with a guest Graphic Storyteller, Anika Bauman. Click to watch a time-lapse of Anika’s work.

The actors then had the opportunity to reflect on the stories through collage.

Have a look at some of the images from the afternoon!



Welcome Back for the 2021/22 Season!

….. And we’re back!

We recently had our first in-person Guild Friday session since last fall. It was so wonderful to see everyone’s faces in real life, not just on a screen!

Our first session back was pretty spectacular – The actors worked their way through three escape rooms to solve a word puzzle, completing the word STAR. I wonder what that will mean for this season? Maybe we’ll find out over the next few Guild Fridays! Stay tuned.

We have just a few gatherings planned for this fall, and will begin meeting regularly in January.

Welcome back and thanks for following along with us!


Wait list info for 2021/22 Season

Eastside Story Guild is a ministry of Grandview Church and a sacred storytelling & performing arts community open to children and teens in grades 2 through 12 in the Grandview-Woodlands neighbourhood. Together we immerse ourselves in biblical stories, explore theatre, music, movement, and dance, and create an annual dramatic presentation where we invite the community to discover where our stories and God’s Story meet.
If your child or teen (grades 2-12) would like to be part of the Story Guild for this coming season or if you know of a child or teen in the neighbourhood who might be interested, please email us so that their name can be added to the waitlist.
Please also contact us if you have questions or are interested in volunteering at the Friday afternoon Guild sessions. There are all kinds of opportunities to connect and be part of the magic of ESG.

Community. Performing Arts. Resilience. Join in the Story this Summer

The children and teens of ESG told a deeply felt story of community, connection and the presence of God (even in the midst of a pandemic) in their June 1st live-streaming zoom film CLAY/SLIP/GLAZE. We’re grateful for the gift of their creativity and hard work, and for the community that came out in support of this innovative storytelling project.
This summer, behind the scenes, the “Dreamers and Sculptors” of Eastside Story Guild are preparing for what we hope will be a return to in-person Guild sessions in the fall, especially with some of the fun (like cast parties and flashlight tag!) that we’ve missed this past year.
Jeqn, our theatre director, is getting ready for the 2021-22 staging of Magnificat: A Story of Mary, and we are very excited about the possibility of welcoming a live audience to enter into this story together with us.
Your gift to Eastside Story Guild makes magic on stage and off!

ESG Livestream Presentation Today!


Tuesday June 1st

at 5:30pm and 8pm


Purchase Zoom Tickets by clicking on your choice of performance time:

5:30pm Tuesday June 1st

8pm Tuesday June 1st

Suggested price $20*

Tickets are priced on a sliding scale. Please give generously as you are able to support youth programming and the arts. #theshowmustgoon

*The minimum payment through the ticketing system is $5. One ticket per household is fine. If you wish to pay less than this or to receive a free ticket, please email for more information.

If you are having trouble accessing the show, follow the links below:

5:30pm link to CLAY/SLIP/GLAZE zoom livestream

8pm link to CLAY/SLIP/GLAZE zoom livestream

Click to download the performance programme!





Thank you for your support and we look forward to sharing our performance with you!

Stay connected on instagram @esgtheatre


Spring Presentation Ticket Sales On Now!



A Story of Formation as told by Eastside Story Guild

Tuesday June 1st at 5:30pm & 8pm

Advanced Tickets Required for this streaming zoom performance

This season, the children and teens of Eastside Story Guild are exploring the image of God as an artist, a potter working on his people like an unformed lump of clay. We are being invited to both embrace our clayness in God’s hands and to receive our calling to be artists and co-creators working alongside God.

Our original zoom play is about a community of kids living in East Vancouver in the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, their struggles and hopes, and the ways that they get their hands messy and their hearts connected on the journey they are on together.

We invite you to join us on this journey.

Purchase Zoom Tickets by clicking on your choice of performance time:

5:30pm Tuesday June 1st

8pm Tuesday June 1st

Suggested price $20*

Tickets are priced on a sliding scale. Please give generously as you are able to support youth programming and the arts. #theshowmustgoon

*The minimum payment through the ticketing system is $5. One ticket per household is fine. If you wish to pay less than this or to receive a free ticket, please email for more information.

Some useful information before you click:

  • After you purchase your ticket, you will be sent a zoom link to the show time of your choice.
  • Tickets purchased by May 19th are eligible to receive a special theatre package in the mail to mailing addresses in BC.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to sharing our performance with you!

Stay connected on instagram @esgtheatre


ESG Zoom Presentation Details!

Save the Date: ESG zoom presentation June 1st 5:30pm & 8pm
The children and teens of Eastside Story Guild are hard at work memorizing lines, creating costumes and characters, and filming scenes for an original zoom play. We’d love to have you join us for this special streaming presentation on Tuesday June 1st. More info about tickets coming soon!

We’re back for a (Covid-safe) new season of Eastside Story Guild!

Welcome, friends and fans, back to another year of Eastside Story Guild!

ESG looks a little different this year, due to the pandemic, but what hasn’t changed is the cheerful and friendly atmosphere, positive and energetic performers, and supportive and dedicated staff and volunteers.

We look forward to another season of fun, exploration, and connection. Thanks for coming alongside us in our journey!